Last Weeks Winners, competition, and other news 27th September 2024



Scores for Last week –


Monday 23rd September
Total Players 12/3
First David Jones 34 £5.00
Second Mick Askew 32 £3.00
Third John Walker 31 £2.00
Winnings £10.00
Kitty £2.00
Total £12.00
Wednesday 25th September
Total Players 10/2
First Peter Wood 37 £5.00
Second Colin Bloomfield 31 £3.00
Winnings £8.00
Kitty £2.00
Total £10.00
Friday 27th September
Total Players No Teaset – weather
First £
Winnings £
Kitty £
Total £

Last weeks winners

On Monday David Jones won with 34 points (cut .5) and on Wednesday Peter Wood won with a very good score of 37 points gross 77 actually beating his age again! (cut 1.2) On Friday only 2 turned up due to the inclement weather so no Teaset.

Teaset Funday  – We have 17 names now wanting to play (I am aware of 5 members who can’t make the date) so it would be good to get to 20 if possible. Once this has been reached we will then have a reserve list.

Next Week start times

Monday 30th September  –  9.56  (5 groups though one member group booked at 10.04)

Wednesday 2nd October  –  10.04  (4 groups)

Friday 4th October  –  10.04  (4 groups)


Peter Wood had an excellent score of 37 points on Wednesday to move to the top of the leaderboard on 663 points 6 clear of John Hines with Bob Bennett a further point back. I am not sure if there is likely to be a Teaset on Monday as course maintenance week and they will be attending to fairways, however if at least 12 holes are open we could have one with 2 pts to be scored on any holes closed.









1.    Your exact Tea Set handicap is shown on the handicap list dated 29.10.2021 published on the website.

2.    After each Tea Set round you will be responsible for assessing and updating your handicap as appropriate.

3.    You will always need to know which playing Category you are in ie.:

Category 1 = handicaps of 5 or less

Category 2 = handicaps of 6 to 12 inclusive

Category 3 = handicaps of 13 to 20 inclusive

Category 4 = handicaps of 21 to 28 inclusive

Category 5 = handicaps over 29

4.    The Tea Set Buffer Zone will be 3 regardless of your Category. You will measure your score against SSS – there will be no CSS. This means that 36 points will be equivalent to SSS and the Buffer Zone will be 33 – 35 points.

5.    If you score less than 33 points, you will need to increase your exact handicap by 0.1. (Regardless of your Category)

6.    If you score more than 36 points, you will need to reduce your exact handicap for each point over 36 according to your category) ie.:

Category 1 (for each point over 36) reduce by 0.1
Category 2 (for each point over 36) reduce by 0.2
Category 3 (for each point over 36) reduce by 0.3
Category 4 (for each point over 36) reduce by 0.4                                                                                                            Category 5 (for each point over 36) reduce by 0.5

Examples: If your handicap is 11.2 and you score 30 points, your handicap will go up to 11.3 (11.2 + 0.1)

If your next score is 38 points, your handicap will be reduced to 10.9 (11.3 – 2 x 0.2)

Note: if the initial adjustment takes you into a new Category, then any further adjustment will be at the new Category level.

7.    If you win a Tea Set round (sole or joint winner and regardless of the score) steps 5 and 6 must still be applied, but then and in addition, your handicap must be reduced by 1 if 36 and over or 0.5 if 35 and under.